Discuss the role of the polis in Archaic and Classical-era Greece, supporting your response with examples and detail from your reading.

In the ancient and classical era, Greece was a mountainous land separated by rugged mountains consisting of several islands surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea and linked with the neighboring civilizations Greek island of Crete, through which Greece derived some of its civilizations through the civilization of Pharaonic Egypt and the civilization of Babylon in Iraq through trade. (Emam, Hala, et al., 2018).

These islands were divided into several regions known as Polis, which were introduced in ancient times around 800-323 BC.  Polis refers to a fortified area that provides protection in times of war. Each polis was separated by major barriers, and accordingly, each state had its own laws, and rulers and the ruling therein was unique, according to the governor who works independently. (khan, S, 2018).

Since each polis operates independently, each city-state has developed a different form of government structure that ranges from kings and oligarchs to military societies, and early democracies. The monarchies were sometimes ruled by a tyrant, and he was a ruler who did not follow any specific laws. On the other hand, the oligarchy was a small group of individuals who ran the city-state government. Both properties and oligarchs compete for power. Finally, it was the pro-government democracies that allowed citizens to vote and all participated in the decisions of states. (Khan, S, 2018).

The most important polis cities in ancient and classical Greece were Athens, Sparta, Thebes, and Delphi. Among those most influential were Athens and Sparta. Athens was an economic power with an open culture and democratic government and was the birthplace of many artists and philosophers. On the other hand, Sparta was a military city focused on influencing its power and gaining more strength. Sparta had two angels who were responsible for declaring war and commanding the army and were elected by two lone families within the cities.
 (Peter,J, .n.d.).
But during Berklee, the ruler of Athens, Athens became famous for democratic rule, but it was deficient, due to the legislation that he undertook, including that he forbade women and slaves from participating in the ruling, and politics, and limited them to free people (the masters). In his time also, philosophy and science flourished. After the death of Berkeley, a war broke out between Athens and Spartans, which was called the Peloponnese war in 441 BC. Greece was united by Philip the Macedonian, and later his son, Alexander the Great, who marked the greatest conquests within the civilizations of the ancient world. (Emam, Hala, et al., 2018).

I found most of my information in my high school book named Egypt is civilization.


 Alprogrammer. (n.d). Egypt is a civilization.
Retrieved from https://download-learning-pdf-ebooks.com/78504-free-book

Khan Academy. Greek Police. Retrieved November 16, 2018, from https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/world-history/ancient-medieval/classical-greece/a/the-greek-polis

Athens & Sparta - University of the People. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://my.uopeople.edu/pluginfile.php/57436/mod_book/chapter/38899/Athens Sparta dictatorship democracy (1).pdf


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