Discuss the role of the polis in Archaic and Classical-era Greece

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The role of the polis in Archaic and Classical-era Greece

Before the archaic age, the small communities scattered across the land, and they lived in self-sufficient farms. During the transition time to the archaic age, these small communities came together as a more significant community creating the setting for the rise of a Greek polis. A polis means a city-state, a central urban area which was a small governing body. According to Hansen and Nielsen, there were around 1500 archaic and classical Greek poleis. (Hansen et al, 2004). The largest polis among that was the polis of Athens, the birthplace of democracy, and also Sparta, Corinth, Thebes, and Delphi, which are some other significant poleis in Archaic and Classical-era Greece.

Each polis was economically and politically independent from other poleis and had their own culture, economic system, a governing system as well as different deities they worship. Nevertheless, greek poleis came together for the Olympic games.

Small groups of influential individuals known as Oligarchs or a ruler is known as a tyrant, ran the governance of some poleis. In contrast, other poleis allowed citizens to vote on and participate in making state decisions in a democratic governing system. Significantly literacy resurfaced during the archaic era, which was lost during the dark ages. They found a new alphabet and started writing in pottery and stones.

As the number of citizens increases, each polis expanded their territories by finding new lands and colonizing them. Some of the poleis, like Sparta, focused on their military skills and power. They even provided military power for others. Athens, on the other hand, explored their artistic and architectural abilities influencing most modern western architectural and artistic endeavors such as drama and theater. "At the beginning of the Archaic age, statues imitated the Egyptian, appearing rigid and immobile, but by the end of the period and the beginning of the Classical Age, statues looked human and almost lifelike." (Gill,2019)

Each polis had their agora, a market place but proper trading practices were not generally accepted. However, by the end of the archaic era, coin use started following the issues of the barter system.

The poleis system was a crucial point in Greek civilization and its influence on the modern world.

Reference List:

Gill, N.S. (2020, February 11). The Ancient Greek Polis. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/polis-ancient-greek-city-state-118606
Gill, N.S. (2020, February 11). Overview of the Archaic Age of Ancient Greek History. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/ancient-greece-in-the-archaic-age-118698
Hansen, M.H., Nielsen, T.H. (2004) An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis, Oxford University Press. Retrieved from https://global.oup.com/academic/product/an-inventory-of-archaic-and-classical-poleis-9780198140993?cc=my&lang=en
Brand, P. J. (n.d.). Athens & Sparta: Democracy vs. Dictatorship. Retrieved from https://my.uopeople.edu


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